Saturday, January 6, 2007

Xbox 360

So Micro Center ran this promotion where they mailed you a $100 rebate if you purchased an Xbox 360. Then, mastercard or whoever offered $100 rebate if you spent $400. So I bought a 360 at the (soon to be) price of $200 after rebates.

I was going to wait until the price dropped and there were more titles, but my wife convinced me to go for it after I told her about XNA and the ability to developer simultaneously for the 360 and the PC.
I still haven't gotten past installing XNA but I will try to make a small shoot-em up or something soon.

Anyway, the Xbox 360 is rock solid. The graphics look great even in a crappy TV like mine, and its online offering contrasts sharply with that of the Wii. Meaning it has a great online service in which you could literally lose your self for weeks. I love the ability to play demos and sample Arcade games.

Another thing which I thought was very cool was the ability to stream movies and music from my PC as well as view pictures. I don't care as much about the pictures, but being able to watch the latest episode of Bleach on the couch with my family is pretty nifty (downside is you most convert to a supported format such as wmv.)

Finally, I picked up the much hyped Gears of War and while I wasn't blown out of my sandals, it was good enough to make me want to receive the new year playing it. Now I just have to start building my library of Xbox 360 games (just got Dead or Alive 4 today) and make sure I don't ignore the Wii too much.